Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte von Cannes eröffnet ein Animationsfilm das Filmfestivals. Disney/Pixar feiert mit UP heute abend Weltpremiere. Natürlich dreidimensional! Zum Einsatz kommen aktive Brillen der XpanD Serie 101, um auch wirklich höchsten Ansprüchen zu genügen. Ein paar Kritiker durften den Film schon in der Pressevorführung sehen. Da ich mich im sonnigen Berlin aufhalte, muss ich leider auf die Meinungen der Kollegen vor Ort verlassen. Hier ein paar der durchweg positiven Kritiken von Presse und Bloggern:
Screendaily: “Up has humour and action aplenty to enthrall children, but it should engage adults in equal quantities who will respond to its rich emotional content.” … “The colours of the film are ravishing and some of the compositions are painterly, while the 3D enhances the images without playing any in-your-face tricks on the audience. Michael Giacchino’s memorable music themes will be rattling around your head for hours after the film is over.”
The Hollywood Reporter: “Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, high-flying adventure is a tidy 90-minute distillation of all the signature touches that came before it.” … “But what gives Up such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture — and what a wonderful big picture it is.”
Emanuel Levy: “As of May, Best Picture of the Year” … “visually inventive, emotionally compelling comedy-adventure” … “Amazingly, “Up” is by turns serious and funny, poignant and frivolous (when it needs to be), but also highly and unexpectedly romantic.”
Time: “Though it’s not yet summer, we can declare that Up, like WALL-E, will prove to be one of the most satisfying movie experiences of its year.” … “Extending the patented Pixar mix of humor and heart, Up is the studio’s most deeply emotional and affecting work.”

Variety: “Depending on what you think of “Cars,” Pixar makes it either 9½ out of 10 or 10 for 10 with “Up,” a captivating odd-couple adventure that becomes funnier and more exciting as it flies along.” … “proves disarming in its deep reserves of narrative imagination and surprise, as well as its poignant thematic balance of dreams deferred and dreams fulfilled.”
Roger Ebert: “This is a wonderful film. It tells a story. The characters are as believable as any characters can be who spend much of their time floating above the rain forests of Venezuela.” … “This is a story as tickling to the imagination as the magical animated films of my childhood, when I naively thought that because their colors were brighter, their character outlines more defined and their plots simpler, they were actually more realistic than regular films.”
Liebe Leute, die Zeit bis zum deutschen Filmstart am 24.September dauert länger als ein Flug mit Ballons nach Venezuela. 🙁